v. 0.4
Estreno: 1931
Duración: 48 min
Valoración: 6.0 / 10
Clasificación: +None
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(máx. 2000 caracteres)
Largely considered to be the greatest American author, Mark Twain is c...
6.9 / 10
A war veteran tells his personal experience in “The War” to a psychiat...
9.4 / 10
A man misses his train due to his clothes turning into other types of ...
5.6 / 10
In spite of the scary legends of what happens to hedgehogs that don't ...
7.5 / 10
Too high, misused, unfair... a large part of the French and Europeans ...
6.0 / 10
Ellen and Rolf met 17 years ago, and since then has spent every day an...
3.3 / 10
Captain Samuel Allis must deal with the consequences of his decision t...
5.0 / 10
Can someone (or in this case, PWG, the best professional wrestling org...
10.0 / 10
A Korean riff on The Terminator....
5.4 / 10
Three perceptions of only one truth - hers, his and ours. This film ha...
8.0 / 10
A Hindu doctor with dementia and a Muslim auto rickshaw driver form an...
7.6 / 10