v. 0.4
Estreno: 2011
Duración: 145 min
Valoración: 6.3 / 10
Clasificación: +None
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(máx. 2000 caracteres)
San Francisco filmmaker Konrad Steiner took 12 years to complete a mon...
5.7 / 10
The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness o...
6.2 / 10
When '80s B-movie icon Tim Thomerson wakes up one day to realize the a...
6.7 / 10
Catch the spark after dark at Disneyland Park. And say farewell to one...
5.4 / 10
Dylan, a young man with a beautiful and carefree life, runs, along wit...
4.8 / 10
Ninja A Cuadros 2: Misión Tailandia es la adaptación cinematográfica d...
6.6 / 10
She watches him through the window as he loads the final pieces of fur...
8.7 / 10
Un ladrón de bancos, Clay Shelton, es sentenciado a muerte por el ases...
7.2 / 10
In Russia, the attitude to death is paradoxically irrational – we all ...
6.3 / 10
Max Steel and Dr. Roberto "'Berto" Martinez, working for the global an...
8.6 / 10
Los poderes de Inferno son robados por un joven y poderoso villano y d...